
Tendencias de la cirugía plástica 2017: siete procedimientos cosméticos para observar

Si bien muchos procedimientos de cirugía plástica son pilares, las nuevas técnicas y tecnologías también crean un aumento en los nuevos tipos de cirugía para mejorar la apariencia. Se espera que estas siete tendencias en cirugía estética aumenten su popularidad a lo largo de 2017 y más allá. 1. Servicios especiales para pacientes transgénero A […]

Android Versus iOS

When it comes to communication and obtaining information, these have replaced the desktop which requires the use of CPU and was commonly used before. Well, we have the two of the most popular mobile operating systems, Android and iOS, which are bringing competition to the market and making people go crazy about them with the […]

A Superluminous Supernova Surprise

Supernovae are the most brilliant and powerful stellar blasts known, and their fierce traveling light can be observed all the way out to the very edge of the visible Universe. When a doomed massive star has managed to consume its necessary supply of nuclear-fusing fuel – that has kept it bouncy against the relentless crush […]

Are You a Linear or Global Thinker?

To determine if you are a linear or global thinker, you first need to understand how a thinking style is different from a learning style. In basic terms, a learning style is how you receive new information. The three primary learning styles are Visual, Auditory, and Tactile. But a thinking style is how you process […]



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