
5 Reasons the Apple Search Engine Could Happen Sooner or Later

Around 9 months ago, Facebook officially introduced its new social search engine to the public. With that announcement, now 4 tech juggernauts already have their own search engines. Google with its widely-popular «Google», Microsoft with «Bing», Yahoo with «Yahoo!» and last but not least, Facebook with its newly-announced «Graph Search». But what about Apple, the […]

Skills to Look Out For in an iPhone Developer

As the world has gone mobile, the number of users using the iPhone has also grown drastically. Now with the latest models in the market, the penetration of iPhones is bound to increase. As more and more users start using the iPhone, it becomes imperative for companies to have their mobile application on the iOS […]

Lo que se necesita para convertirse en diseñador gráfico

El diseño gráfico es el arte de la comunicación visual que combina texto, imágenes e ilustraciones, colores y formas. El diseñador gráfico utiliza estos elementos para crear carteles, folletos, sitios web, revistas, libros, vallas publicitarias, logotipos y otros tipos de medios. El diseño gráfico está presente en todas partes. Desde vallas publicitarias en la calle […]

Network Switch Selection – How to Select a Network Switch

Overview The network switch is the most common network device implemented with company infrastructure and as such the selection of any new switches or upgrading is a key part of most network design projects. The Cisco network switch components include Switch Chassis, Supervisor Engine, Switching Modules, IOS/CatOS software and Power Supplies. The decision to buy […]

CleanUp Antivirus – Cómo quitar

CleanUp Antivirus es un nuevo programa antivirus falso, que también se conoce como aplicación antispyware corrupta. Es una versión actualizada de My Security Wall aparecida anteriormente. Ambos programas son idénticos, excepto por sus nombres y archivos ejecutables parcialmente modificados, lo cual es necesario para que las aplicaciones legítimas de antivirus y antispyware no los detecten. […]



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