
What to Consider When You Switch From Android to iPhone

Although they may be tempted, many users are afraid to take the radical step of changing their cell phone and operating system… what about the photos, the music collection, and the contacts? The process of moving from iOS to Android or vice versa and migrating all the data can be cumbersome, but not impossible. So […]

Cisco CCNA / CCNP Certification: OSPF E2 vs. E1 Routes

OSPF is a major topic on both the CCNA and CCNP exams, and it’s also the topic that requires the most attention to detail. Where dynamic routing protocols such as RIP and IGRP have only one router type, a look at a Cisco routing table shows several different OSPF route types. R1#show ip route Codes: […]

Software antivirus para pequeñas empresas

Una solución antivirus para pequeñas empresas debe ser fácil de usar, pero muy potente. No todas las pequeñas empresas tienen su propio departamento de TI o pueden contratar consultores de TI. En mis más de 15 años de tratar con pequeñas empresas, he visto un montón de diferentes programas antivirus que vienen y van. He […]

Top 5 estrategias de marketing CPA

El CPA (costo por acción) es una oportunidad de ingresos de marketing en Internet que es muy similar al marketing de afiliación. La diferencia entre el marketing de afiliación y el marketing de CPA es el hecho de que las redes de CPA le pagan cada vez que un usuario hace clic en su enlace […]

5 Benefits the Google’s Android Open Source Operating System

In 2005, Google acquired a small company known as Android Inc. This marked the beginning of Google’s entry to the mobile technology market. Android is an open source operating system, which is based on Linux technology. By 2010, Android had grown to be the world’s leading and also fastest growing smartphone platform. By the end […]

Review of TextDrop, Online Writing Software With Dropbox Sync

As a blogger, I have been extensively using online writing software for the last 4 years. Although I have been using Simplenote until recently, I have always been looking for better alternatives. This review is about a new online software called TextDrop I recently found. Before reviewing TextDrop, I need to share two most desirable […]



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