lunes, marzo 3, 2025
InicioBlogAndroidThe Fundamentals of IOS and Android Application Testing

The Fundamentals of IOS and Android Application Testing


Today the reach of customers have broadened from PC's to mobiles and in lieu of this it makes mobile application testing very essential. iOS and Android apps have paved way for the mobile genre. They have tremendous applications that attract a customer but at the same time while users enjoy the apps, how easy is it to test the iOS and Android apps?

It becomes very challenging for the testers to test iOS and Android apps as the users lay down unique expectations and they have to test in accordance. Challenges in mobile app testing could range from Device Variation to Tools availability to Network Bypass etc. Many third-party applications compatible with advanced mobile phone versions are also unveiled. All these underlined by concern for performance and user acceptance demand foolproof and comprehensive mobile application testing. A thorough understanding of applications put for testing is a perquisite. Check whether it is developed in-house or by third party.

iOS app testing

iOS are operating systems used majorly in mobile technology, such as smart-phones and tablets. They have smooth designs and seem to be very user friendly. iOS app market is a hit in the technology market and is often in the news for good. All the iOS app testers are aware that testing an iOS app is different than testing any other app because it is a closed operating system. iOS testing also intervenes with development which makes it all the more challenging to perform testing. But certainly there are measures that can make iOS testing easier:

  • Consider Fragmentation
  • Be strict for Privacy
  • Opt for Beta-testing

Tools that are best for iOS app testing can be listed as below:

  • Frank
  • iOS UI Automation
  • iOS Driver
  • KIF or Keep It Functional
  • Appium
  • Calabash
  • Monkey Talk

Android app testing

Android application testing is too complicated due to the diversity in devices which is a major challenge of mobile app testing. Here, unlike iOS, the differences in variety of screen sizes, capabilities and limitations are precise because each device is unique to the other. The testers are familiar with the fact that compatibility is a huge constraint because mobile apps can be set up across several devices. One of the easiest ways to make Android app testing light on the brain is to avoid complex structures and segment them into smaller steps.

Try the below tools to enhance your Android app testing

  • Robotium
  • Monkey Talk
  • Selendroid
  • Appium
  • Calabash
  • The UI Automator

Source by Maria Gillioli

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