sábado, marzo 1, 2025
InicioBlogTecnologíaDiscover the Art of Thai Dance and Costume

Discover the Art of Thai Dance and Costume


Thailand is country adored by many because of its amazing beauty and elegance. One of the best loved things about Thailand is their dance. Thai Dance is adored with its lovely movements, its brilliantly colored dance costumes, its gentle rhythm and its radiating presence. It is the most dramatic art figure in Thailand. Thai dance, like many forms of traditional in Asia. Thai dance is officially known as known as «Fawn Thai». The dance has many variants, which are drawn from the country’s cultural past, is usually performed by four to six pairs of dancers depending on the occasion. For the Grand or State occasions, there are hundreds of dancers concerned. Costumes are luxuriantly stunning in finery and style.

Thai dance is divided into two major categories that are the classical dance and the folk dance. Thai Classical Dance is like a field of sunflowers, or wheat, swaying in harmony. Thai Classical Dancers usually entertain and sooth their local royalty performing before royals and nobility. The important essence of these traditional dance interpretations and actions has lingered for so long and are taught in every Thai Dance Schools today.

A very familiar Thai dance is the «Fawn Leb dance» known as the fingernail dance. Fawn leb is usually performed by five pairs of female dancers where in each dancer wears finger stalls of flattened and polished brass. These «fingernails» are about 15 centimeters long and give a wonderful and graceful extension to already supple fingers. They are designed to emphasize the soft hand movements of Classical Dance.

Another Thai classical dance is the «Fawn Tian» or the Candle Dance. The Fawn Tian dance ia performed during nighttime to gives accent to the sparkling candles, the dancers consisting f four pairs represents an inverted «V» formation. Each female dancer holds a lighted candle, between their forefinger and thumb. The movements are gentle with a series of short steps and splendid swaying of the shoulders and the upper body. The Fawn Tian dance had been also developed and performed in different parts of the globe.

Thai dances are really exceptional in style. People from around the world love to watch these dances while visiting the country. With the colorful costumes and graceful dance movements, Thai dance is truly well known for. Most of the time, visitors ask for special dance performances for them to just watch how the Thais perform their beautiful dance routines.

Source by Pinky Maniri

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