sábado, octubre 5, 2024
InicioBlogTecnologíaCaffeine and Theine, Are They the Same? Know Its Effects and Properties

Caffeine and Theine, Are They the Same? Know Its Effects and Properties


In general when talking about theine and caffeine, it is thought that two different substances are being mentioned. Discover what is true about it.

Does tea have caffeine and theine?

A recurring question among tea consumers is whether the tea has caffeine and theine or whether both components caffeine and theine are the same or not. The answer, in spite of the misinformation that exists, is clear: they are the same molecule.

In fact, caffeine was isolated in 1819, however, at that time it was thought that tea contained a similar but different substance: theine.

But later analyzes revealed that they were the same substance. Perhaps what is difficult to understand, is that more than a century later confusion persists among most people.

What is caffeine?

Caffeine is an alkaloid that is found naturally in different foods such as coffee, tea, cocoa, guarana and yerba mate.

The polyphenols present in large quantities in the tea slow down the rate of caffeine absorption, with which its effect is slower but more lasting in tea than in coffee.

It is important to clarify that, both coffee and tea, have many more molecules than caffeine, and that they all interact with each other and compensate, attenuate or nuances their effects. Unfortunately, very little is still known about the vast majority of them, with the exception of caffeine and tea antioxidants, mainly catechins. That is why many news about the effects of a certain tea component need not necessarily be extrapolated from the effects of the tea drink itself.

Properties of caffeine and medical uses

Stimulates physical and mental activity

Increase mental concentration

Develop mental acuity

It helps you lose weight

Yellow tea

To consume 200 milligrams of caffeine it is necessary to ingest:

0.7 kg of milk chocolate

0.5 liters of coffee made by drip machines (through filter paper)

0.15 liters of espresso, if the coffee is robust (normal in bad coffee shops)

1.18 liters of black tea

1.77 liters of soft drink (variable amount according to the soft drink)

2.36 liters of green tea

11.82 liters of decaffeinated coffee

Of course, the theine also has its adverse effects or contraindications.

Concentration of caffeine in coffee and tea

The concentration of caffeines varies greatly depending on the type of coffee or tea and how to prepare it. Within coffee, coffee of the robust variety has a significantly higher concentration of caffeine than arabica coffee.

Among teas concentration varies greatly and it is not easy to determine which type contains less than another, since intuition usually fails. There are no tea colors which have a concentration higher in all cases than those of other color, depending on a specific type of tea.

It should also be borne in mind that not only the concentration of this substance is determinant to know the effects of caffeine and theine, but also its combination with other components.

Teas from Camellia sinensis, which contain very little caffeine, are Bancha green tea, Kukicha green tea.

On the other hand, other teas, such as guarana, have their own combination of components. That’s why they produce different effects.

Infallible trick to diminish the theine of your tea

A trick to diminish the theine of your tea, without suffering the adverse consequences of the theine, is the following: as the caffeine dissolves quickly in the hot water when infused, leave the tea in the hot water 30 seconds.

Then throw the water and put hot water again. In this way, you can greatly reduce the dose of caffeine consumed.

Another option of tea without theine is the Rooibos. While it has the flavor, appearance and properties of the varieties that come from the Camellia Sinensis, the Rooibos tea is not properly a tea. And that is why it does not have the contraindications that have the teas themselves.

Recipes for drinks and caffeinated smoothies

Tea and coffee, taken as a hot drink, are not the only ways to benefit from caffeine. Meet other healthy and delicious options.

Frapuccino or coffee frappe.This frozen version of the cappuccino can easily be taken as a dessert. You can do it with ice, with whipped cream and even with ice cream. Delicious!

Coffee granita. This is another alternative to frappuccino, which will also delight you with the taste of frozen coffee. The difference is that this is not just cold coffee, you have to prepare it with a lot of ice to give it the «frozen» consistency.

Compote of black tea and fruits. Choose the seasonal fruits that you like the most and prepare this easy compote in a few minutes. You can take it warm or cold, to enjoy a delicious and nutritious light dessert.

Tea cakes. You have several options to make these delicious muffins, ideal for when you want to entertain a visit that goes to your home for tea. You can prepare them with red tea, Earl Gray, Matcha or the variety you prefer.

Source by Demarcus Martin

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