sábado, octubre 5, 2024
InicioUncategorized6 Tips For Bloggers To Leverage Digital Marketing

6 Tips For Bloggers To Leverage Digital Marketing


Digital Marketing is not a new concept now. Still, a lot of companies and experts lack the actual understanding of the subject. There are still many dark areas to explore for many. Actually, every blogger also needs it. So, here are my 6 tips for bloggers to leverage digital marketing. It is easy if you apply common sense and go for it with a proper strategy. In fact, it doesn’t require you to pay to somebody else for it. If you just acquire some basic understanding, you can do it yourself. So, let us try to take a deep dive into the subject to understand it better. The Internet has been a revolution in everybody’s life. In fact, technology gets a new meaning with it. Similarly, marketing has become easier and faster. Definitely, for businesses and entrepreneurs, it might become important to hire an agency or an expert.

The reason for that is businesses can’t afford to lose their sales because of lack of their knowledge in the field. That is why they can even think of outsourcing their marketing to an agency. But bloggers can’t do that. Contrarily, they also need to market their posts appropriately. So, here are a few tips for bloggers to leverage digital marketing.

#1. Manage Your Online Presence

Every blogger needs to know how your readers perceive your blog and posts. If you look at blogging arena, it is no less than an ocean. Every day new bloggers are born at an exponential rate. So, just imagine why someone would like to spend the time to read your 300/500/700/1500 words post. While your blog is obviously your home ground, but you also need to play on various social media platforms that are not basically your home ground. How do you make your presence on various social media platforms? What is the frequency? How do ensure every new post you write that is worth mentioning through various platforms reaches your followers well in time. Mind it that it is not only your followers that would get to know about your new post. There are people who keep a track on new posts on the basis of keywords or hashtags.

If you are a blogger do go through these tips for bloggers to leverage digital marketing. Understanding your niche is quite important. For instance, if you review products, do you post reviews on other review sites? Do you visit relevant forums and participate in topics of your interest? How is your post performing in Google Search? What more can you do to improve its rank?

#2. Your Time Is Your Marketing Budget

Now, since you are not spending money on outsourcing an expert, you have to invest something substantial at your end. That is your time. You need to spend the time to research well and understand well the crux of the matter. Otherwise, the benefit of these tips for bloggers to leverage digital marketing will not be that fruitful. At times, you might feel that you are in a tunnel with no end and light visible. But the situation will not remain same for long. You will become expert swimmer only if you practice on daily basis. Merely standing at the pool will not bring that expertise. Similarly, you need to have that urge to dive deeper to draw out more.

#3. Your Blog Post Sharing Is As Good As Your Marketing Campaign

When you share your new post on social media platforms does it fetch some interest? Do you get organic reshares, likes, and comments? If not, there is something wrong with your marketing strategy. Either your post is having juicy content or you have not been able to present it well on social media. Learn about the concept of relevant hashtags, keywords, and context to attract more people. Use some tools to find out which social media brings more traffic to your blog. What is the reason that another platform is not fetching that much response? Try to post in some engaging manner. It has to be a perfect mix of the right post with the right pitch.

#4. Gain Knowledge Of Marketing Trends

I covered it in the point above. I hope these tips for bloggers to leverage digital marketing will benefit you in some way.

#5. Test Your Posts

Keep an eye on your posts. Some posts will always do better than others. Definitely, there was something in those that could attract more visitors. Similarly, if comments are not something happening regularly on your posts, some posts attracting comments means there is a reason behind it. Try to analyze. Spend time on these posts to understand what was better that is lacking in other posts.

#6. Make Marketing Your Top Priority

Remember that your blog and posts are yours. If you are not convinced, you will never be able to convince anybody else. Spend time daily on this exercise. Take these tips for bloggers to leverage digital marketing as starting points. Once you are on the right track, you will find your own ways to excel further.

In the end, I would like to request something. When you find out some more ideas that work well for you, don’t forget to come back and share them in the comment section so that others can get help and I will have some fresh tips for bloggers to leverage digital marketing. After all, it is all about your passion that needs some polishing so that others feel the glitter.

Source by Jaideep Khanduja

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